Friday, 13 November 2015

DataCore's Storage Virtualization Enables Any-to-Any Data Mirroring

George Teixeira, CEO & President and Nick Connolly, Chief Scientist at DataCore Software discuss how DataCore's Software-Defined Storage solution allows businesses to mirror their data across heterogeneous storage.

Synchronous Mirroring: Zero Downtime, Zero Touch High Availability
DataCore offers an enterprise-class high availability solution that is designed to avoid equipment and site outages from interrupting access to critical information flow. The goal is to deliver “zero downtime, zero touch” failover to maximize business continuity. The cost-disruptive software, proven in over 25,000 global deployments, constantly mirrors data at high speeds between geographically separate locations. It keeps active-active copies synchronized even when using different types of storage devices at each end. Local and stretched/metro clusters perceive the independent, mirrored copies as a single set of data, simultaneously reachable from either location over redundant paths.
For more information on DataCore's Synchronous Mirroring, see

Monday, 2 November 2015

DataCore Certifies Universal VVols - Brings VVols Benefits to Existing Storage and to Non-VVol Certified Storage

Universal Virtual Volumes: Extends VMware’s VVOL Benefits to Storage Systems that do not Support it
Many VMware administrators crave the power and fine-grain control promised by vSphere Virtual Volumes (VVOLs). However, most current storage arrays and systems do not support it. Manufacturers simply cannot afford to retrofit equipment with the new VM-aware interface.
DataCore offers these customers the chance to benefit from VVOLs on EMC, IBM, HDS, NetApp and other popular storage systems and all flash arrays simply by layering SANsymphony™-V storage virtualization software in front of them. The same is true for direct-attached storage (DAS) pooled by the DataCore™ Hyper-converged Virtual SAN.
Now, vSphere administrators can self-provision virtual volumes from virtual storage pools -- they specify the capacity and class of service without having to know anything about the hardware.

DataCore SANsymphony-V wins Reader’s Choice Award for Best Software Defined Storage Solution

Augsburg, Unterföhring, 30. Oktober 2015. Die Leser von und IT-BUSINESS haben entschieden: DataCore gewinnt den Reader's Choice Award in der Kategorie Software Defined Storage.The TheThe readers of Storage-Insider and IT business have decided: DataCore wins the Reader's Choice Award for Best Software Defined Storage. Bei der großen Leserwahl der Vogel IT Medien setzte sich DataCore mit seiner SANsymphony-V-Software im Finale gegen Dell und Falconstor durch. In the readers' vote of Vogel IT Media DataCore prevailed with its SANsymphony-V software in the final against solutions from Dell, IBM  and FalconStor. Die Platinum-Auszeichnung wurde im Rahmen einer feierlichen Gala am 29. Oktober in Augsburg überreicht. The Platinum Award was presented at a gala event on 29 October.

"We are particularly pleased and proud to receive this award because this choice was made by the readers of some of the most important publications in our industry. IT professionals have selected SANsymphony-V as the best Software Defined Storage solution", Stefan of Dreusche, Director Central Europe at DataCore Software says.